Quarantined Thoughts

The Conceptualized World

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reading time 8 minutes
Meaning is a very abstract idea. Meaning is an idea that exists in your head, and is not a constituent element of experience. Meaning, like the ego, exists only as a psychological concept. Concepts like this are pervasive, and they have infiltrated every piece of our society, for concepts are endemic to thinking, and are therefore necessary for a society to exist. That is to say that concepts are the most common building block of which complex thought is made out of.

Flipping the Optimism Switch

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reading time 6 minutes
I’ve been perennially tantalized by how a string of words or a sudden insight can cause a massive shift in perception and perspective. This has shift in perception happened to me a few times, twice on account of psychedelics, and a few times on account of introspective discussions. In my experience, a few simple words can supplant all of one’s previously held biases and radically shift the way the world looks to oneself.

The Pursuit of Happiness

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reading time 8 minutes
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Nothing could exemplify these principles better than to act as a self-determined, sovereign individual. Yet, the society which should ensure these rights acts as a suppressive force. The sway of media and politics infects our minds and poisons the bucolic beauty of individual existence with the sweeping tide of mass belief.